Sex bomb!

Today feels better. I am moving up onto the normal scale now. “Normal” for me is of course not necessarily a normal marker for others but I am usually happy enough to be well-off the normal range…after all, who really wants to be “normal”?

Brief spark of life caught last night as I donned my large headphones and i-pod and even though unable to focus on my book, seemed to manage to obtain Tom Jones crooning “Sex Bomb” for my ears only!  I can imagine how this sounds – me lying there in bed, semi nauseous (sucking ginger biscuits), half-bald on a Saturday night with this loud music blasting but hey…it worked for me and even made me giggle!

Whether it was Tom Jones, the promise of the case of gin or just how the insidious chemo deceives…I have actually managed to get out of bed today for longer than 10 minutes so am hoping that the upswing has begun and that energy levels may now start rising.

8 thoughts on “Sex bomb!

  1. Whether it was the thought of Tom Jones singing Sex Bomb or the promised case of Gin I’m pleased to hear you are feeling a little bit more upbeat.

    Love Sandra xxx


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