Going commando!

However much friends and family say that my colourful headwear suits me – it remains my bugbear both for what it signifies and how it looks as well as the relatively regular reason that I have never been a “hat person” and you can’t be coerced into being one.

I return again and again to lusting after a full head of hair. Patience is not my middle name and yesterday I ditched my little hat and went out, for a walk (yes…really!) leaving it behind. What do you know people look at me the same way with or without  it? – either way I guess I still look like a cancer victim patient, so may as well shout it!

The wind blew through my #1 hairstyle and I felt happy…maybe a more appropriate analogy than “going commando” would be a burning your bra moment. Maybe that moment is yet to come when I choose (?) new breasts.

Last night I had a prophetic dream – I was at my hairdresser’s having a regular haircut as if none of the past 7 or 8 months had happened…No wonder I sleep so much.


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